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The information within the Academics section pertains to UPrograms and UM Partner semester and year programs.

With programs in over 35 countries that offer courses in languages, liberal arts, fine arts, science, business, and engineering, students from all majors and interests will have an opportunity to study abroad. As you begin to plan your study abroad experience, it is important to select a program that aligns with your academic goals.

Enrollment Information

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  • Grades Earned Abroad

    UM Study Abroad students will receive letter grades and UM credits that will be a part of their UM GPA, appear on their transcript, and count toward their overall credits and degree progress.

  • Credit Load while Abroad

    • UM Study Abroad students are required to take a minimum equivalent of 12 UM credits to maintain a full-time undergraduate status. This is required to be considered in a full-time degree seeking student at UM; as well necessary for scholarships, financial aid, and immigration requirements.
    • Please note that institutional requirements vary by institution. For example, some university partners will require study abroad students to enroll in a minimum of 15 UM credits at their institution.

  • Earning Credit for Study Abroad Coursework

    • It is crucial to discuss with your academic advisor how study abroad will fit into your academic plan.
    • Courses taken abroad may be eligible to count toward required credits you will need for your UM degree plan. Not all courses, however, will be deemed equivalent to count toward a UM course; therefore you must plan in advance and have your choices reviewed and approved by your school/college prior to your study abraod.
    • UM Study Abroad is not able to advise on course equivalencies or substitutions, or courses counting toward majors, minors, cognates or other degree requirements—only your academic advisor and school can do that—so plan to meet with your academic advisor early in the planning process. 

Steps for Success

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  • Meet with your Academic Advisor

    • Before applying to study abroad, meet with your Academic Advisor to discuss your academic plan and degree requirements.
    • It's helpful to determine if there are any courses you must take while abroad or any courses you cannot receive credit for while abroad.
    • It is also important to verify that the courses you select for study abroad will count toward your UM degree plan.

  • Research Course and Credit Information

    • Research academic areas and credit information for your program of interest.
    • Familiarize yourself with the academic system of the host institution, including potential course offerings, their credit equivalencies to UM credits, and the minimum course load required.
