
Study abroad gives you the opportunity to experience new places and cultures, make friends from around the world, and gain a global perspective—while earning credits toward your degree. With study abroad you can develop highly-valued skills such as intercultural communication, foreign languages, adaptability, and problem-solving.

There are many more reasons why you should make study abroad a part of your academic plan. We list a few stats* below and encourage you to meet us during drop-in advising or by appointment for more information on the benefits of study abroad.

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  • Career and Professional Development

    • 97% of study abroad students found employment within 12 months of graduation, compared to 49% of the general college population
    • 84% of study abroad alumni feel that studying abroad helped them build valuable job skills, such as language proficiency, cultural training, tolerance for ambiguity, adaptability and communication
    • 70% of study abroad participants claim they are more satisfied with their jobs
    • Study abroad alumni earn approximately 25% more than their peers who did not have a study abroad experience
    • Study abroad provides an opportunity to interact with a diverse group of people and learn cross-cultural communication—a valued trait among employers

  • Academic Performance

    • Studying abroad presents an opportunity to take classes not available at your home institution
    • Study abroad positively impacts grades: Undergraduate students tend to see a rise in their GPA after a study abroad experience and are 19% more likely to graduate on time.
    • An overseas experience increases your probability of getting into your preferred graduate school: 90% of study abroad alumni report acceptance into their first or second choice of graduate school

  • Personal Growth

    • 97% of study abroad alumni found that study abroad increased maturity
    • 96% of alumni saw an increase in self-confidence after studying abroad
    • 89% of study abroad alumni gained a greater tolerance for ambiguity

*Reference: "What Statistics Show about Study Abroad Students," University of California, Merced
